Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tips from Dr. Phil (via Mom)

(didn't have time to edit...just copied and pasted from mom's email...)

1) Eat 3 regular meals a day - Breakfast , Lunch, Dinner) and 2 snacks.Try to schedule your meals at a fairly regular times, whenever possible. This keeps your blood sugar steady, so that you're less vulnerable to cravings. In addition it helps you settle into a more disciplined eating pattern.

2) Have a protein serving at each of your 3 main meals. This breaks down to an egg, 2 egg whites, or a turkey product (such as turkey bacon/or sausage for breakfast; 4 ounces of protein for lunch and 4 ounces of protein for dinner. Protein is a hunger suppressor and has a positive effect on metabolic activity.

3) East unlimited amounts (but at least 4servings) of non starchy vegtables (salad greens, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach,green beans, etc) daily. These my be raw or cooked, fresh or frozen. Eat these foods until you feel full but not stuffed. Learn to turn into you hunger and fullness cues.

4) Modify you intake of starchy carbs ( potatoes, rice, whole grain, high-fiber cereal,legumes, etc.) to one serving per day. (for women )and 2 for men since usually require more calories than women.Do not eat the starchy foods after noon.

5) Eat tw10o servings of fresh fruit daily-but No fruit juice in gthis stage, because juice does little to help suppress your appetite.

6) Eat at least two serving of low-fat daily (often limilte or cut out altogetherin manuy diets,these foods furnish the bone-building calcium.When calcium supplies dwindle,lvels of a hormone Calcitriol go up,on a negative effect on fat burning. Calcitrial switches off mechanisms that break down fat and activates those that produce it. You need dairly in your diet not only for the calcium but for also to support fat metabolism.

7) Chose from healthy fats. Enjoy a tablespoon a day of high response cost, high -yields fats or oils, or ,if the fat is a reduced-calorie product, have 2 tablespoons a day. Healthy fats suppress hunger. No nuts or seeds allowed in thes stage as it is too easy to go overboard.

8) Drink 8-10 ounces of pure water a daily/. Although you can enjoy a variety of noncaloric beverages. water is the best choice. Drinking tooo little water leads to dehydration, a stte of imbalance tht can slow down metabolism.

9) Eat allowable foods and he has a list) only from the high response, high yield lists.

10) Don't stay in Stage 1 more than 14 days!! Although you may return to this stage if you have reached a plateau and don't continue to lose.

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